Motivational Seminar with Saunak Bhatta- Field Trip

On 10th June, our students along with 1500+ audience witnessed what could be called Nepal’s first ever motivational seminar on such a huge scale. Saunak Bhatta, the man behind it all has been on a journey of five years to empower the lives of Nepalese youth as a motivator, campaigner and a trainer through the Read more about Motivational Seminar with Saunak Bhatta- Field Trip[…]

Explore After SLC 2014 Midterm Survey

After one month into the course we conducted a survey among our students so we could get their feedback and suggestions. We will use these results to monitor our performances and also to make improvements for the second half of the course as well as our future courses. [button link=”” type=”icon” icon=”paper” newwindow=”yes”] See the Read more about Explore After SLC 2014 Midterm Survey[…]

Centre for Energy Studies & SmartPaani- Field Trip

The 1st half of the “After SLC” intake is over and our 6th week began with our students researching their topic of interest and planning for the “FINAL PROJECT CHALLENGE” that will be a month long preparation which will be exhibited on the final day- June 21st!!! On Thursday, our students made a field trip Read more about Centre for Energy Studies & SmartPaani- Field Trip[…]