Collaborative Learning

We need to move away from individualistic or competitive ways of learning and gathering information and instead embrace an environment that encourages collaborative learning. Schools, specifically classrooms are a big source of social capital as students come from a range of socio-economic backgrounds equipped with their individual skills, abilities and personalities. Hence, it is only through an interactive and a collaborative approach to education that maximum learning can be achieved in classrooms or spaces where information and knowledge is deemed necessary.

Our classes at EduLift are spaces where students are free to think, express and share their ideas and views. This creates an environment where our students learn to explore their creativity and come up with new and most often, interesting ideas. But ideas need to be tried and tested. They need to go through phases of sharing and reviewing so that they finally become refined and valid, ready for implementation.  This is made possible by constantly making our students work in groups. For example, students learn to transform a simple idea into a good business plan, or solve challenges like measuring the velocity of light using a microwave, chocolate and a ruler. They learn to visualise a problem, and to find practical solutions through discussions and teamwork. Hence, collaborative learning is really at the heart of the EduLift model of education through which its experiential based learning is made possible.